

Aksu is located on the northern rim of Tarim Basin at the southern foot of Mt. Tianshan in western Xinjiang. It is famous for fruits. Tourist attractions include the Kizir Thousand-Buddha Cave, and the Tarim River.

Ancient Guizi Grottoes
Guizi was referred to as Kuqa and Baicheng in ancient times. Grottoes believed to be the earliest of its kind were found here. The murals in the caves are unique in style.

Kirzir Thousand-Buddha Cave
Kirzir Thousand-Buddha Cave, located in the secluded valley at the northern mountain foot between Kuqa and Baicheng, is one of the birthplaces of the art of Guizi grottoes. Its art of cave construction, sculpture, and murals is an important component of the art of central Asia and the Orient. Still in existence are 252 caves in the east and the west of the valley.
