
























Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province Local Customs

Learn the local customs of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province. Tips and photos posted by real travelers and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province locals.

Chinese uygurs - Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province
Chinese uygurs
by SirRichard
When crossing the Tien Shan Mountains we stopped a few times on the way, just to walk around a bit as the bus was really small. If there were nomads tents nearby, people always came to look at us "weird foreigns", pointed at us and laughed... I guess they are not very used to see tourists in this part of the world!

In the morning, when we walk around the vallage. we found lots of people walked to the same direction with some gifts in their hand. and we followed them, then reached the wedding house. we're the only people didn't bring any gift though, we're welcomed by them. They don't understand Mandarian, we just communicate by smile.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province Travel Guide

Plan a Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province vacation with reviews, tips and photos posted by real travelers and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province locals.

Popular Destinations in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province
Top 5 Pages About Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Province
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by SirRichardTop 1,000 Member
19 Tips 22 Pictures
2. Xinjiang - A Vast And Mysterious Land
by victorwkfTop 1,000 Member
32 Tips 58 Pictures
3. Happy Journey
by dipendraTop 10,000 Member
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4. Xinjiang
by world_billTop 10,000 Member
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5. Xinjiang - Beautiful, Stunning, Unique And Big!
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40 Tips 43 Pictures

Xinjiang: very unknown and a lot to see

Posted on 01-14-2009   http://holidayfu.com/2009/01/xinjiang-unknown-lot/

 Xinjiang: very unknown and a lot to seeThis is the second in an ongoing series of Holiday Fu interviews with tour operators, bloggers who live in interesting destinations and people who are passionate about a place and its cultural or natural attractions.

This time we’ve interviewed Josh Summers an expat in Xinjiang, who is also the founder/owner of the FarWestChina blog.

First off what is FarWestChina.com?

FarWestChina.com is my attempt to open up the door to Xinjiang, my little part of the world that that just happens to be a very unknown and widely misrepresented area in China.

(Ed: the site is currently inaccessible in China so fire up those proxies to view)

So, why Xinjiang?

Good question!  I don’t know very many people who dream of moving to Xinjiang and my wife and I were no different.  It just happened, but now that we’re here we absolutely love it and don’t wish to live anywhere else in China.

What’s your favorite place in Xinjiang (and/or Western China)? Why?

 Xinjiang: very unknown and a lot to see

My favorite place so far is Kashgar.  The city itself is a unique representation of Xinjiang but I’m particularly drawn to its location between the beautiful Pamir Mountains and the incredible Taklamakan Desert.  Plenty of day trips to keep you busy.

How do you get there? Around how much would it cost?

There’s quite a few options.  The easiest way is to fly from the capital of Urumqi, which will usually run about 600-800 RMB each way, but you can also take a train comfortably for a little under 300 RMB or a sleeper bus for under 200.

If you’ve got time and money, the best way is to rent a car and stop at all the great small towns along the way!

Besides wolfing down piles of chua’r and baking in the deserts, what else can you do in Xinjiang?


Xinjiang is an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise!  During the warmer months just strap on your hiking boots and a good backpack and you’ll never run out of places to roam.

I find that the beauty of Xinjiang is its diversity, not just culturally but also geographically.  But I love the chua’r, too.

Any hidden gems in Xinjiang/Western China that most people miss or overlook?

ghostcity Xinjiang: very unknown and a lot to see

There are many, but I’d have to say my favorite is the Ghost City, a collection of huge rock formations that simply rise up in the middle of the vast desert.

It’s amazing to see yet difficult to describe, a feeling that I’ve had many times while traveling around Xinjiang.

All photos courtesy Josh Summers


哈拉峻 官方的说法是 喀拉峻

正如同哈纳斯 官方的说法是 喀纳斯

哈什 官方的说法是 喀什


作者 网客
原地址 http://www1.xiangshu.com/read.php?tid=254755&fpage=1&toread=&page=1



神奇的盆地——博孜阿德尔: (又名包扎墩),哈语意为:“未开发利用之地”,博孜阿德尔位于县境东南部,东接和静,南邻拜城。地处东经81°40′29″-82°'41′34″,北纬42°22′21″-42°48′20″之间。东西长约82公里,南北宽约37公里,面积280万亩,可利用草地120万亩,是特克斯县最好的天然冬牧场。 

博孜阿德尔之所以神奇在于其独特的地形、气候和水资源。这里四周雪山环抱;群峰耸立,形成封闭型的高山盆地。 海拔高度2200--4382米。地势大面积顷斜,在封闭屏障的作用下,形成了独特的小气候区。这里有着丰富的逆温层气候资源,厚度达600米以上。冬季气温比别处高6-10℃;积雪薄,能见度好,有利于牲畜的安全越冬,有趣的是夏季(4--6月)气候反常,经常乌云翻滚,多雨多雾,刮旋涡大风,降鹅毛大雪。据统计,有118条大小溪流均分布在整个草原,是阔克苏河的发源地,人畜饮水十分方便。 

